Survivor Stories
As a community, we share our stories for many reasons: to help reassure others, to spread awareness, to cope. I believe our stories make us stronger and allow us to take back a certain level of control previously lost in the confines of illness.
Erica SnyderWhere the Amazing Story Began…
The movie, Brain on Fire (2016), based on the memoir by Susannah Cahalan entitled Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness (2012) ended abruptly. In the movie’s final scenes, Susannah, played by Chloe Moretz, recovers from her ordeal—her “month of madness”—and several months of rehabilitation, and returns to work…The movie ends there, and in all honesty, I felt as if I were left hanging; perhaps, because I knew that this is where the more amazing story began…
read moreAnti NMDA Receptor Encephalitis: How I Learned to Love the Name
I used to HATE the words Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis (ANMDAre)! The name, similar to the disease it represents, is complicated and mysterious. It offers no insight to what the disease entails, unless you are a physician and, even then, you may not have ever heard of this illness, only recently identified in 2007, by Dr. J. Dalmau.
read moreKimberly, Age 27 (Ohio)
My story starts in late 2011, in the fall. I was a 27-year old mom of one, married for 2 years and by most standards living a "normal life". I started noticing red patches that would creep up my chest, neck and face. It would be on one side of my chest and came on...
read moreJackson, Age 10 (Maryland)
'Phenomenal': 10-Year-Old Md. Boy Recovers From Rare Disease; Shamari Stone, August 26,...
read moreAmobi Okoye
The Comeback Kid: Amobi Okoye; Mark Blankenbaker, May 17, 2016
read moreJohna, 23 (Pennsylvania)
Patient Success Spotlight - Johna Gregg; Kindred Hospital Pittsburgh,Maggie Cunningham, November 20, 2015
read moreSusannah Cahalan (New York)
The Demon in my Mind; NY Post, Susannah Cahalan; November 11, 2012
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